MODTISSIMO: How a professional fair stepped up productivity
Taking place in Portugal, Modtissimo is an exhibition for fashion professionals showcasing Portuguese textiles and local manufacturing suppliers. Running for 52 editions, the number of attendees has been growing year on year and counts with more than 4000 visitors per day.
Years of partnership
Visitants per edition
Years of partnership
Visitants per edition
“The real-time check-in data is critical to manage the event during the exhibition days.”Manuel Serrão, Modtissimo CEO

The Challenge
The event registration system Modtissimo were using was offline and involved several manual data-entry steps. The team was consuming a lot of time in administrative work – from manipulating spreadsheets to updating records – in an effort to organize, control and track information.
The system wasn’t as efficient as the team aspired, and they recognized the need for a new automated solution that would provide the advanced registration, promotion tools, data capture and reporting tools the event now required.
Modtissimo needed an event management software that offered comprehensive customization and resources yet was intuitive enough to require no training at all.

The Answer
With these challenges in mind, Last2Ticket proposed a new web-based solution that would improve efficiency by automating the event management processes using one integrated solution.
The team is now able to use an event management software to create customized registration forms a lot quicker than before. It also took the hassle out of event accreditation, from the categorization and grouping of all participants, real-time badges printing to the accreditation operation tracking through the dashboard management portal.
Modtissimo also uses the invitation tool to manage emails databases and communications. All information is automatically stored and can be accessed to create up to date attendance reports.
Online registration became a painless process for attendees and Modtissimo now has a clear view of the demand for each session, allowing them to prepare for the crowds with precision. The organization also eliminated the time of creating tickets by hand, relying on the Last2Ticket system to automate this task.
Offering online event registration allowed the venue to utilize Last2Ticket check-in app to quickly and securely manage attendee entrance, which had a tremendous impact in driving growth for the venue.
The all management process has saved considerable time on manual work and eliminates duplication, errors and inconsistencies.