2018-11-27 09:30 | 2018-11-27 19:30
Hard Club | Porto
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Price Range ENDED
When and Where
2018-11-27 09:30 | 2018-11-27 19:30
Hard Club | Porto
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Event Description

Researchers and Entrepreneurs: the challenges and opportunities of those who are busy creating the future.

U. Porto Entreprenow is about the present: the moment in which we're building the future. On November 27th, at Porto's Hard Club, we gather under the same roof the researchers and entrepreneurs who are creating tomorrow.

We'll present the Entrepreneurship Observatory and discuss its results as well as the evolution of our entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Later we'll get to know some of the entrepreneurs who are making a difference. Success stories told by those who lived them - and worked for them.

Speakers include Ken Singer (Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, da UC Berkeley), Verónica Orvalho (Founder of Didimo, winner of the Women Who Tech Award and IBM Scientific Award) and João Barros (Founder and CEO of Veniam). Know more about our event, here


Get involved. And keep your eyes open for the future!


The Programme

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

[09:30 - 10:00]   Check-in

[10:00 - 10:15]   Welcome

[10:15 - 11:15]   The Entrepreneurship Observatory and the importance of studying entrepreneurial ecosystems

[11:15 - 12:15]   The evolution of Porto's entrepreneurial ecosystem

[12:15 - 14:15]   Lunch-Break

Entrepreneurs and Startups:

[14:15 - 14:30]  Opening Speech

[14:30 - 15:15]   Keynote I: Partnering and Financing in Sillicon Valley *

[15:15 - 16:00]   Keynote II: Partnering and Financing in Europe *

[16:00 - 16:30]   Coffee-Break

[16:30 - 17:00]   Entrepreneurs Side-by-Side

[17:00 - 17:40]   How the US and EU stack-up in supporting startups *

[17:40 - 18:00]   Closing Remarks

[18:00 - .........]   Cocktail and Networking

* sessões em português

In parallel:

[10:00 - 12:15]   Workshop EIT Health: The Living Lab Experience (members only)

[16:00 - 16:30]   U.Porto Spin-offs The Circle Meet-up (members only)


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