Event management & analytics

Track events anywhere, anytime.

Have the power in your hands and step up your performance. Make better and wiser decisions with event management software that helps you easily manage real-time event analytics.

event organizer showing numbers and graphics of the event on a computer through the Last2Ticket event management software
Event statistics
Refund & dispute management
API data access 
Management portal
Automated invoicing
event organizer showing numbers and graphics of the event through the Last2Ticket event management software

Take control.
Manage every detail.


Take control.
Manage every detail.

Event analytics? Check.

Access real-time sales and check-in data and manage your event 24/7 from any device. Decide your next move.


Take control.
Manage every detail.

Event analytics? Check.

Access real-time sales and check-in data and manage your event 24/7 from any device. Decide your next move.

Event analytics. Check.

Access real-time sales and check-in data and manage your event 24/7 from any device. Decide your next move.

Start Now

Turn data analytics into
valuable insights.


Make our event management portal the center stage of your event operations. All the tools you need in one place. Give your productivity a kick.


Review event metrics and don't lose sight of event registrations and sales. Keep an eye on check-in results in real-time.


Capture event performance at a glance with our dashboard standard reports. Slice and dice event statistics to your heart's content with exportable data.

Go further

With the right event analytics tools the possibilities are endless. Make the most of relevant insights, prove the value of your events to your stakeholders and much more.

Measure your impact

Whatever your goals are you want to know you've achieved them. Improve your results by tracking event performance over time.