The Angkor Ultra Trail 2019
2019-01-19 04:00 | 2019-01-20 00:00
Angkor Wat
Comprar Bilhetes
Intervalo de Preço TERMINADO
Quando e Onde
2019-01-19 04:00 | 2019-01-20 00:00
Angkor Wat
Comprar Bilhetes
Descrição do Evento

Khmer version below

Following the success of the last 3 Editions of the Angkor Ultra Trail, we are pleased to announce that 4rd Edition will be held on 19th and 20th January 2019. The runners wiill set their foot on sacred site, going through ancient temples in Siem Reap, crossing the jungles, paddy fields and grasslands that surround the jewel of Angkor. Experience an extraordinary discovery on the following races:

  • 128 km - Angkor Ultra Trail (Depart on 19th January 2019 at 4 AM)
  •   64 km - Bayon Trail (Depart on 20th January 2019 at 4 AM)
  •   42 km - Angkor Marathon Trail (Depart on 19th Janurary 2019 at 6 AM)
  •   32 km - Jungle Trail (Depart on 19th Janurary 2019 at 7 AM)
  •   16 km - Angkor Temple Run (Depart on 19th January 2019 at 8:30 AM)
  •   16 km - Nordic Walking (Depart on 19th January 2019 at 8:40 AM)

The race will cover approximately 400km2 and runners will go through several exceptional sites such as mountain temples and will evolve through impressive landscapes on a vast area of forests and villages offering a panorama of suprising diversity. As usual, we want you to experience the energy, adventure, safety, comfort, and solidarity in Angkor. We are happy to welcome the runners to set the foot on this unique cultural treasure, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 


Make sureyou have taken knowledge of the rules of the race.

Medical Certificate

It is essential that the medical certificate is validated by a physician (preferably by a sports physician). (only the standard medical certificate form provided by the organization will be accepted.) If SDPO is not in possession of these documents before the start of the race, the participant may be refused the start  the race by the medical team and maybe automatically disqualified.

ការចូលរួមដ៏ជោគជ័យក្នុងរដូវកាលទី៣នៃ Angkor Ultra Trail, យើងមានសេចក្តីរីករាយក្នុងការប្រកាសរដូវកាលទី៣ដែលនឹងប្រារព្ធឡើងនៅថ្ងៃទី១៩និងថ្ងៃទី២០ខែមករាខាងមុខនេះ។អ្នករត់ប្រណាំងទាំងអស់នឹងរៀបចំដានជើងនៃការប្រកួតចូលទៅដល់ប្រាសាទនានាក្នុងខេត្តសៀមរាបឆ្លងកាត់ព្រៃប្រឹក្សាស្រែចំការដែលព័ទ្ធជុំវិញទៅដោយសម្បត្តិនៃអង្គរ។អញើ្ជញមកចូលរួមការរត់ប្រណាំងម៉ារាតុងដ៏អស្ចារដែលមានដូចជាៈ

  • 128 គម - ផ្លូវលំតែមួយគត់អង្គរ (ចេញដំណើរនៅថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2019 នៅម៉ោង 4 ព្រឹក)
  • 64 គម - ផ្លូវលំបាយ័ន (ចេញដំណើរនៅថ្ងៃទី 20 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2019 នៅម៉ោង 4 ព្រឹក)
  • 42 គីឡូម៉ែត្រ - ផ្លូវលំម៉ារ៉ាតុងអង្គរ (ចេញដំណើរនៅថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2019 នៅម៉ោង 6 ព្រឹក)
  • 32 គម - ផ្លូវលំព្រៃ (ចេញដំណើរនៅថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2019 នៅម៉ោង 7 ព្រឹក)
  • 16 គម - ប្រាសាទអង្គរវត្តរត់ (ថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2019 នៅម៉ោង 8:30 ព្រឹក)
  • 16 គម - ដើរលេង Nordic (ចេញដំណើរនៅថ្ងៃទី 19 ខែមករាឆ្នាំ 2019 នៅម៉ោង 8:40 ព្រឹក)
