"Another Round": Mads Mikkelsen's performance of a lifetime
2024-05-29 19:30 | 2024-05-29 21:00
Meta House | Phnom Penh
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Price Range FREE
When and Where
2024-05-29 19:30 | 2024-05-29 21:00
Meta House | Phnom Penh
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Event Description

Four middle-aged friends test a theory stating that a certain level of blood alcohol content aids creativity. However, they find themselves in a mess after they take the experiment a bit too far.

Tragedy, comedy and Kierkegaard collide like the highs and lows of an alcohol binge in Thomas Vinterberg’s ANOTHER ROUND (2020, 117 min) , which won the Oscar for best international feature. Mischievously unruly in tone (“scandalous” is Vinterberg’s preferred word), yet shot through with a flinty shard of sadness, it’s the Danish director’s finest and most personal film since 1998’s Festen – a heady cocktail of ecstasy and grief, buoyed by a superb ensemble cast. 

English subtitles.
Free Entrance.